Case Study
Christian Brothers High School Lewisham

130kWh Rooftop PV
Learning Under the Sun
Following a successful 100kWh system installation at Christian Brothers High School in Wollongong, Smart Commercial Solar was introduced to the Lewisham High School. Smart provided a feasibility study to combat the escalating cost of power after CBHS’s energy contract period ended.
Smart promptly conducted a site inspection and identified a suitable location that wouldn’t impact future development plans. An audit was performed on the existing 10kWh system that had been installed 10 years ago and it was determined that this system should be decommissioned.
Smart Commercial Solar proposed a turnkey solution, which included the removal and recycling of the 10kW system, accompanied by the installation of a new 130kW replacement over 2 stages. Recycling the old panels, inverters and mounting system was important to the school and avoided 4 pallets of e-waste.
The delivery of a 98kWh system was executed during school holidays to avoid any interruptions to the school and its students, which was completed within 1 week.
Immediately after the system was delivered, the school chose to increase the system by the maximum DC input on the 110kVA inverter. This meant that an additional 30kwh system was installed over the course of 2 days, creating a 130kWh system.
Cost savings was a significant driver in the assessment of the solar proposal. In terms of benefits, Christian Brothers High School Lewisham anticipate annual energy savings of $30,000, with an estimated payback period of four years.
Our journey with Lewisham High School continues, Smart Commercial Solar continues to consult and support them on the installation of solar on their future development.