Case Study
Mulgoa , NSW

Array size:
24.8 kWp

Battery size:

7 Years
Peter Sayer was faced with a choice. Either pay $80,000 for poles and wires to connect to the grid. Or, take his newly built 4 bedroom dream home off grid and never pay for an energy bill.
Smart Commercial Solar designed and installed a 25 kW threephase off-grid solar system with an 86 kW hour battery to match the load of the house. The solar array was installed on the purpose designed north-facing roof. In addition to saving the client more than $80,000 in grid connection costs, the installation serves as an excellent case study for the Australian market as an early deployment of a three-phase off-grid system.
Despite very poor reception on site, we have managed to maintain a solid remote connection for troubleshooting and maintenance. This design will become the standard for all future stand-alone projects, as an ‘off the shelf’ scalable solution for residential and commercial customers.
Sayer was extremely pleased with the result; “We were up for a big expense to connect to the grid, then all the bills that we’d receive ongoing. It gives me so much satisfaction to know that both my houses will never receive an energy bill and I’m self-sufficient.”
This off-grid project received a 2019 Clean Energy Council Solar Installaton Award, awarded to the design and installation team at Smart Commercial Solar.