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The Smart Commercial Solar team is always looking for ways to bring the economic benefits we drive for businesses and organisations in Australia to even more people.  

That's why we're proud to announce our partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to explore how the major energy savings we have pioneered in Australia can translate to the wider Pacific where electricity is exorbitant.  

The cornerstone of this effort is a first-of-its-kind Pacific Energy Survey which can be accessed here.  

The media really got excited about this partnership and the story has now been covered widely.  Below are the links to a number of articles on what this work means for the region.  

Here's an excerpt:

Huon Hoogesteger, CEO of Smart Commercial Solar said the Pacific solar campaign has a dual focus - supplying electricity users in the Pacific Islands with information on how to reduce costs and gathering data on the challenges business’ face and what assistance they might need in making the transition to solar.

“Solar panel prices have fallen 80% since 2009 making solar electricity very competitive especially in the Pacific Islands which experience some of the most expensive electricity prices in the world.”

Rooftop solar and grid-tied solar has grown rapidly worldwide with over 1.6 million installations in Australia and over 1 million in the United States.  IFC’s Regional Manager, Pacific, Tom Jacobs observed that despite the high cost of electricity, the Pacific has lagged behind in the use of renewable energy especially solar power.

“The aim of the research is to determine the barriers to solar development and increase commercial solar use throughout the Pacific”.

Read more stories in:

Radio New Zealand

Loop Vanuatu

The Fiji Times


Written by
Huon Hoogesteger

Image CTA

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